"When I'm struggling, I start getting around the ball. As you keep using SWINGRAIL you stay inside more, take a really good path to the ball and create backspin." -- Cody Bellinger, LA Dodgers

"One of the keys to hitting is being consistent at the plate. SWINGRAIL helps me repeat the same swing mechanics and take a great path to the ball." -- Tim Locastro, Arizona Diamonbacks

“I’m sending SWINGRAIL home with a few of my players for the off-season. They tell me it helps them feel like the top hand is connected with the back side, and when they take it off they completely feel their top hand handling the barrel really well." -- Hitting Coach, Cardinals Organization
"It keeps your hands inside the ball and creates more bat speed. It's pretty sweet." - Player, Cardinals Organization

“I wanted to tell you that I love it and some other guys are also using it. Big fan!" -- Player, Twins Organization

"I've been using it with a player that has a problem feeling what it means to be short to the ball - I’ve seen him improve a little each day." -- Hitting Coach, Pirates Organization

"I really like the premise because it deals with a portion of the swing that we work on daily." -- Hitting Coach, Cubs Organization
"We have a few of our players using it to keep their hands inside the ball. I think it’s a great tool to keep the swing short and through the ball." -- Hitting Coach, Reds Organization