"I struggled at first, but I'm really glad I stuck with it. I've already hit 4 home runs in the first few weeks of our season. Thank you SWINGRAIL!" -- Marcus C.

"We bought some after seeing other teams using it. We love it. Your product definitely works!" -- Hitting Coach, D1 Softball  

"When we have a young guy with a long swing, we put in on them and see a difference within a few minutes.  If they commit to using it consistently it can have a big impact on their swing." -- Asst. Coach, D1 Baseball

"We sorta ran out of drills for our older guys so I told them to use it with a few drills. I know it's a good product because I can see they're working back through the middle of the field more and not pulling off pitches. One of them hasn't struck out yet (through the first 3 weeks of the season) and he says it's 100% SWINGRAIL" -- Hitting Coach, D1 Baseball Program 

"It's been working great for us. Instead of always trying to explain what staying connected and being short to the ball mean, they're actually feeling what we're talking about." -- Asst. Coach, D3 Softball